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Since 1966

Nationally Acclaimed Restoration Artist

Serving All 50 States and Most Foreign Countries

(325) 677-5446

Text: (325) 829-3784

Transfer Photos From iPhone, Android
or Memory Card to DVD, Blu-Ray, USB Thumb Drive, Hard Drive, or Transmitted to you over the Internet.

Don't Risk Losing Your Photos

up to 500 photos - $30

Each additional photo - 3 cents
Plus $5 per DVD or $7.50 per Blu-Ray Disc required.

Add $24 for a USB Thumb Drive instead
of a DVD or Blu-Ray

For transfers to hard drive: Furnish your own hard drive or we can provide one for $129.

Have them transmitted to you
over the Internet at NO CHARGE.

Get Prints

Get A Slideshow

Transfer photos from iPhone, Transfer photos from Android, Transfer photos from phone, Transfer photos from smart phone, transfer digital photos from iPhone, transfer digital photos from Android, transfer digital photos from smart phone


Voice: (325) 677-5446

Text: (325) 829-3784


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